英文乃國際語言,不時會用到。我因沒好好學,又發現翻譯網站的內容很多是「死」的,謬誤不少;故願各位「活」可以幫幫我。全文如下: 我因為在填寫資料時,沒有將電子信箱填入,以致貴單位只能將打工簽證郵寄到我家,然而我的地址欄似乎忘了填幾樓,又機票日期在即深恐無法如願收到簽證。懇請貴單位將簽證以電子的方式傳給我,如大部分人一樣,感謝!
你好: 翻譯如下,請參考: I didn't fill my E-mail address in the form when I applied for the visa, so your organization can only send the paper mode work-study visa to my home via air mail. The worse is I also missed to fill which floor in my address in the form. I am worried about if I can get the visa in time before the depart線上翻譯ure date. Could your organization please send me the visa by E-mail again? I really appreciate your understanding and help!
您好~這裡是『后冠翻譯社』根據您的需求!幫您中文翻成英文!請您參考! 我因為在填寫資料時,沒有將電子信箱填入,以致貴單位只能將打工簽證郵寄到我家,然而我的地址欄似乎忘了填幾樓,又機票日期在即深恐無法如願收到簽證。懇請貴單位將簽證以電子的方式傳給我,如大部分人一樣,感謝! When I was filling in the information, I forgot the E-mail, as a result, you have to send the visa to my home. However, I also forgot to fill in the floor I lived while the plane ticket is becoming due, I'm afraid I cannot receive the visa as I wish. So I earnestly request you to send the visa to me electronically, like most people, thanks! 后冠是政府立案的翻譯社,提供相關專業領域的外籍母語人士翻譯,使您與客戶間溝通無障礙,為您創造最大的價值! 學生還享有優惠折扣唷! 后冠提供各式論文、合約、科技及醫學翻譯、口譯等服務。 歷年來執行過大量翻譯專案,政府機關/企業技術文件至一般個人/學生期刊翻譯皆有豐富經驗,成為業界翹楚。 歡迎您來電詢問,或至yahoo查詢「后冠文化事業有限公司」或「后冠翻譯社」電話:02-2568-3677 傳真 02-2568-3707 客服信箱:service@crowns.com.tw